
星座 m.xingzuowu.com 2012-06-27 编辑:小编16


白羊座:Aries (出生于3月21日~4月20日)
The characteristics of a fire sign to Aries has a very self-confident self-force.

金牛座:Taurus (出生于4月21~5月21日)
The characteristics of the earth sign Taurus desire a solid foundation for the form and structure.

双子座:Gemini (出生于45月22日~6月21日)
The characteristics of Libra Gemini communication skills, wisdom and speed.

巨蟹座:Cancer (出生于46月22日~7月22日)
Cancer is a water sign. Water is a symbol of the emotional qualities of the water is to give and receive. 

狮子座:Leo (出生于47月23日~8月23日)
Leo is the center of the fire signs. Fire brings a desire for creativity, innovation and leadership.

处女座:Virgo (出生于48月24日~9月23日)
In the ever-changing under the control of Mercury, Virgo need to work to get stable.
Libra is the sign of wind.This is a character that is more extroverted and active.

天蝎座:Scorpio (出生于410月24日~11月22日)
Scorpio: characteristics of the water sign some mysterious sign of the scorpion.

射手座:Sagittarius (出生于411月23日~12月21日)
Sagittarius is a fire sign.This is a character very active, outgoing constellation.

摩羯座:Capricorn (出生于412月22日~1月20日)
Capricorn is an earth sign of the leader. This is the constellation of a stabilizing market forces.

水瓶座:Aquarius (出生于41月21日~2月19日)
Ruled by shocking Uranus, Aquarius control it is the epitome of Uranus. Has astonishing intellectual and communication skill.

双鱼座:Pisces (出生于42月20日~3月20日)
Pisces is a water sign. By mystical Neptune control. This sign is extremely receptive, compassionate, and other-directed.